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Desktop, laptop sau consola?Ce alegi pentru jocuri si de ce?

  • Publication:
  • Sectiunea: n/a
  • Author: Dan CADAR
  • Medium: Canal Youtube
  • Tipul aparitiei: Review
  • Data: 2023-05-30
  • Link:


  • Legat de evenimentul: n/a
  • Release: n/a


The applicability of a TUF Gaming laptop is not that great, but the good price and balanced configuration make it an ok product. Well, they make the whole family of laptops an ok product, if that makes sense. And if you have a budget between 1 and 2K euros, you're looking for something good at everything, and you don't have much knowledge in the field to bother with built-in computers and other technicalities, a top-of-the-line TUF Gaming might just wink at you.

Companii menționate

  • ASUS

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna ASUS
  • Foarte buna ROG (Republic of Gamers)

Persoane menționate