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Laptop sau tableta? ASUS ZenBook 17 Fold OLED UX9702AA

  • Publication:
  • Sectiunea:
  • Author: Lucian PETRESCU
  • Medium: Canal Youtube
  • Tipul aparitiei: Review
  • Data: 2022-12-26
  • Link:


  • Legat de evenimentul: n/a
  • Release: n/a


This laptop is for those who use photoshop or lightroom or need graphic presentations, the battery life lasts 4 hours, and the screen is superb and somewhat for those who have presentations or who move from one meeting to another. Because it has a small 65W charger, USB-C, you can use another universal USB-C charger and you can have a charger at the office and one at home. However, it's not for everyone, even though it's shaped like this, it's not for everyone because it's quite expensive.

Companii menționate

  • ASUS

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna ZenBook
  • Foarte buna ASUS

Persoane menționate