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Raspunsul ASUS la rapoartele de instabilitate ale unor procesoare desktop Intel din a 13-a si/sau a 14-a generatie

  • Publication:
  • Section: Comunicate de presa
  • Author: n/a
  • Medium: Website
  • Type: News
  • Print Date: 2024-08-07
  • WebPage:


  • Event Related: n/a
  • Release: n/a


Asus has issued a statement in response to Intel's recent statement regarding reports of instability in some of its 13th and/or 14th generation desktop processors. ASUS is aware of this issue and is actively assisting customers in mitigating its impact. This includes providing timely BIOS updates based on the latest Intel research.

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  • Very Good ASUS
  • Neutral Intel

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  • Very Good ASUS
  • Neutral Intel

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